
Our worship is traditional and contemporary.
We follow the ancient liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer but we put the entire service up on projection screens. This creates a welcoming environment for newcomers who may not be familiar with the liturgy and allows us to worship with our heads up and our hands free! We light candles and ring sanctus bells and sometimes use incense but we also sing contemporary music and raise our hands in praise. We try to create a worship atmosphere that is both reverent and joyful!
The sermons are based on the Bible. We see the Bible as not only a guidebook for the human race but also as an authoritative and completely reliable owner’s manual for Christian believers. The preaching at CTK seeks to inspire, edify, comfort, and challenge church members.
We believe the Bible is as relevant today as it was when it was written so our preaching is designed to present life lessons from the scriptures and apply them to our lives as followers of Jesus.
The music is a fully blended mix of traditional and contemporary music. The music team includes an organist and a praise band called The Joyful Noise, and occasional other instruments.
The 10:30 service includes hymns, service music, an anthem, and communion music..
On any given Sunday, any of those musical selections may be done in traditional style from the Episcopal Hymnal or in a contemporary manner led by the Joyful Noise. Every service includes a mixture of both kinds of music.
The Eucharist is the central focus of our worship experience. Every Sunday we gather as a community in a circle around the altar to celebrate this sacrament. It is here that we meet Jesus and take him into our lives through his presence in the bread and wine. Through this sacred act we are empowered to serve God in the world.
During and after communion we sing our praises to God as we welcome the Holy Spirit to be active in our midst and allow space for the Spirit to move.