We are a community of people who glorify and serve Jesus Christ through the ministry of reconciliation.
Who We Are
We are a COMMUNITY of people who glorify and serve Jesus Christ through the ministry of reconciliation.
We are a caring and welcoming community who love and follow Jesus Christ. When you’re here, you're part of the family.
How We Worship
We are a community of people who GLORIFY and serve Jesus Christ through the ministry of reconciliation.
We glorify Jesus Christ as we sing and pray, hear God’s word and share communion in ways that are both traditional and contemporary.
What We Do
We are a community of people who glorify and SERVE Jesus Christ through the ministry of reconciliation.
We serve Jesus Christ as we love our neighbors be they homeless or hungry or in jail or just in need of a spiritual family.
What We Believe
We are a community of people who glorify and serve Jesus Christ through the ministry of RECONCILIATION.
In this terribly divided world, God is reconciling the world to himself … he has given us the ministry of reconciliation … therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, sharing the good news of the gospel.